Student Feedback On Course

Read out the questions and answer accordingly .

Course  (*)
Subject  (*)
Semester (*)
Teacher Name (*)
Roll No (*)
Attendence Percentage (*)
Paper (*)
Email (*)
Gender (*)
Category (*)
Mobile No  (*)
Year of Joining  (*)
State (*)
Nationality (if not Indian)  
Student Name (*)

Tick the option you find most appropriate

1. I would rate the paper difficulty level as.

2. I would rate the workload of this paper, relative to other papers I studied this year as

3. Compared with other papers I have had this year, I would say this paper is

My contribution in enhancing the quality of this paper - :


1. The course was completed on time.

2. The assessments were conducted as per schedule.

3. Regular and timely feedback is given on performance.

4. The evaluation process is fair and unbiased.

5. My interest in the subject has increased as a consequence of this course.

6.I have found the course intellectually challenging and stimulating.

7. I have learned and understood the subject material of this course.

8. The teacher was enthusiastic about teaching the course.

9. Teacher's style of presentation held my interest during class.

10. The teacher managed her class well.

11. Teacher's explanations were clear.

12. The teacher was regular and punctual in class.

13. The teacher came well prepared for the class.

14. The teacher encouraged students to participate in class discussions.

15. Students were encouraged to ask questions and were given meaningful answers.

16. The teacher used modern teaching aids, handouts, suitable references,
power point presentation, web-resources, etc.

17. The teacher was available and accessible in the college.

18. The teacher made students feel welcome in seeking help/advice in or outside of class.